J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot Pick Up Rights to Lance Armstrong Biopic

Today, Deadline is reporting that Bad Robot, teaming with Paramount Pictures, has purchased the screen rights to Juliet Macur's proposed book, Cycle of Lies: The Fall of Lance Armstrong. Macur, a sports reporter for the New York Times, has covered Armstrong's career for more than a decade and knows all there is to know about the athlete.

We've heard a lot of chatter over the past few years about a possible Lance Armstrong movie, with everyone from Matt Damon to Jake Gyllenhaal getting involved. But now, due to Armstrong's recent confessions to doping charges, the tone and direction of this film is sure to take a turn; the title of Macur's book should be a good indication that this will be no hero story.

No word yet as to the capacity that Bad Robot and Paramount Pictures will be involved, but for a story garnering such interest from most of the country, we can expect things to materialize soon.

For those who've been living under a rock, Armstrong is the most recognized cyclist in the history of the sport, with seven consecutive Tour de France victories, and a U.S.A Olympic Bronze Medal in 2000, to boot. Oh yeah, and did I mention that he's a cancer survivor? But, as of this week, Armstrong formally admitted his steroid use while in competition, an activity that his not only illegal but very disrespectful to the sport and your competitors. As such, all of his accolades have since been stripped. The hardest part for most to accept is the fact that he adamantly denied using for so many years. Fans gave him the benefit of the doubt and stood behind him, only to finally hear that he was lying the entire time and did in fact use performance enhancing drugs.

Where do you guys stand on this topic? Are you now as anti-Armstrong as most of the population is right now? Or do you think the steroid use had little to do with his victories and he should still be heralded as one of the greatest cycling athletes of all time?