Photo Bomb!

Thanks for checking out the latest edition of Photo Bomb!, your weekly roundup of all movie-related photos and posters floating around the internet.

This might be the lightest week we've ever had since the birth of this post, but there's still plenty of quality content for your enjoyment. On the photo end of things, we have new stuff for "RoboCop", "The Wolverine", "Red 2", "Filth", "Beautiful Creatures", and "Hitchcock".

And for movie posters, we have new ones for films "Hitchcock", "The American Scream", "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2", "Anna Karenina", "The Last Stand", "Gangster Squad", "Texas Chainsaw 3D", "The Man With the Iron Fists", and "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey".

Hit the jump for all of this week's newest content!

We'll start with new photos for the upcoming remake of "RoboCop". It's nice to see some new images of the suit, but it's nothing we haven't seen before. And actually, as much as that suit just isn't RoboCop, it's still kind of growing on me as a design in general. But mostly, I just enjoy seeing Michael Keaton in anything, even though he's again in a pretty generic role. Why couldn't we see Keaton as RoboCop?! (ComicBookMovie)

Lots of new ones from the set of "The Wolverine". I'm still not sold on this film yet, but I guess this is a storyline many fans were wanting to see. I have better hopes for this film than the last though, as I feel studios are finally starting to understand that superhero films have to actually be good now for anyone to care. (Examiner & Filmophilia)

Other than the teaser poster released a few weeks back, these are the first images I've seen from "Red 2". Most of the big names are present here - Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Mary-Louise Parker. The first film was a bit of a bore-fest to me, and did not live up to the potential it could have been with the cast that was on board. Malkovich was the highlight, and judging from these first images, he'll again be one of the main reasons to watch this film. Hopefully we'll get a bit more substance this time around. (CBM)

These are the first photos of James McAvoy and Jim Broadbent on the set of Jon Baird's "Filth". While McAvoy didn't appear in a single film this calendar year, he will be showcased in five different pictures in 2013, with "Filth" being among them. (The Playlist)

Here is one more new one from "Beautiful Creatures", a supernatural drama starring Emma Thompson, Emmy Rossum (pictured below), Viola Davis, and Jeremy Irons. This one will hit theaters in February of 2013. Rossum looks great, but I have very little interest in this film, which looks to be targeting much younger audiences than myself. (Just Jared)

And just like that we'll wrap up the Photos section with these new ones from "Hitchcock", starring Anthony Hopkins, Scarlett Johansson, Helen Mirren, and Jessica Biel. I get a small feeling that this movie could be kind of bad, but since it moved its release date up to qualify for this year's awards, it must be pretty solid. Regardless, I think the style and design looks great, and I'm definitely interested to watch this one. (WeGotThisCovered)

On to the Movie Posters section, where we start with the same title as above. This is the newest poster for the film, and I actually like this one quite a bit more than the last one released. It's still kind of standard Hollywood which is too bad, but at least they worked in traditional Hitchcock design elements. There are a lot of lines in here very reminiscent to old "Vertigo" and "Psycho" posters. (Apple)

Next is a poster for the Halloween documentary, "The American Scream". The film follows a few small-town families as they prepare for their annual haunted houses. The film chronicles the planning, set-up, opening, reception and clean-up. This might sound really weak, but I actually expect there will be some fun in this. It's nothing you'd head to theaters for, but I doubt it gets much of a theater release anyway. This looks like a good-spirited doc for the holiday season though. Plus the poster is great. (Official Website)

We've went a long time managing to avoid most of what this latest (and last) Twilight film has been providing. Since it's a slow week though, I felt it necessary to include this latest banner for "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2". Like most of what's been made for this film, this looks terrible. It so noticeably looks like these people were all just pasted into this template. I don't hate the concept here - from a marketing and money-making standpoint, I get why these films exist - but I will be so happy when they're over with. (IMP Awards)

Here are a few solid posters for the upcoming "Anna Karenina". I bet this film has been the most featured in this post over the past couple of months. I'm sure it'll be a fine costume drama, but I'm so over talking about this film. Unfortunately, the film doesn't open in the U.S. until November 16, so we still have another month to go... (Yahoo! Movies)

This is the newest poster for Jee-woon Kim's next film, "The Last Stand", which will star Arnold Schwarzenegger". I love this poster! It's so retro! Plus, this should be a great throw-back 90's action film for Schwarzenegger, who luckily is embracing his action roots once again. It's so great seeing him shooting big guns again; let's get those muscles amped up a bit (he's looking a bit too meek these days) and it'll be like old times! (IGN)

"Gangster Squad" had its release date pushed back to January of 2013, and now that we're getting closer to that date, we'll probably start to see more content for this film. I've liked most of what I've seen for this film since it started popping up some time ago (originally set to release this fall), and this should make for a solid option come the slower days of January. I didn't care for this poster at first, but the more I look at it, the more I really like it. (FirstShowing)

We've seen a few posters for this film already, but here's another. "Texas Chainsaw 3D" is marketing itself as the first true sequel to the original 1974 Tobe Hooper film, and I can say that I've been happy with the imagery so far. It's difficult to keep all of these modern Texas Chainsaw sequels straight, but I expect this will be one of the better ones. (Total Film)

These are some great new graffiti posters for RZA's "The Man With the Iron Fists". Produced by Quentin Tarantino and written by Eli Roth and RZA, there is some decent firepower behind this one (and not to mention the likes of Russell Crowe in the cast). I think this one will be fun. I really like some of these posters. (Entertainment Weekly)

Finally, some new character banners for Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". I have less expectations or interests in this film than I did for the Lord of the Rings films, but I think this will still be a fun time. It hits theaters December 14, 2012. (Hobbit Movie Blog)

Plus, not only were those The Hobbit banners released, New Zealand recently announced the production of these limited edition coins and stamps. It's pretty epic that movie characters will be on a country's currency, even if just in limited supply. I imagine all of this will be great memorabilia for the biggest of Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit collectors out there!

That's what we're looking at this week. Anything in particular catch your eye?