The Trailer Park: Alter Egos, Backyard Blockbuster, The Canyons, Carrie, Gangster Squad, Hitchcock, Save The Date, Zero Dark Thirty

 Welcome to The Trailer Park! - A weekly column rounding up new and newish trailers lurking around the internet.

As always, put on your John Nada sunglasses before the jump or...submit to the advertising.

Alter Egos
I Love these sort of "real world" superhero stories. This one looks as if it exists somewhere between Super and The Incredibles with a pinch of Kick-Ass.

Backyard Blockbuster
An intriguing documentary taking a look at famous fan films.

The Canyons
Lindsay Lohan stars in this very grind-house/exploitation homage film.

Just enough to pique the interest.

Gangster Squad
I hope the movie is as exciting as this trailer. Plus, Nick Nolte sounds like a pure monster.

It feels like it may be a little goofy in a way. like a tad less goofy than Tim Burton's Ed Wood. I really hope it works. Where the makeup is lacking, Anthony Hopkins more than makes up for it in the voice.

Save The Date
Indie looking love drama. It looks so subtle and small. I'm not even sure if Lizzy Caplan can get me into this one... Yeah she can.

Zero Dark Thirty
Did Jessica Chastain say one thing in this trailer? She's being sold as the main character, and she didn't say a thing. very cool trailer in that regard.