The Trailer Park: Everybody Has A Plan, Flight Of The Butterflies In 3D, The Girl, A Late Quartet, Lincoln, Mama, The Oranges, Smashed, Stand Up Guys, Texas Chainsaw 3D, Wreck-It Ralph

Welcome to The Trailer Park! - A weekly column rounding up new and newish trailers lurking around the internet.

As always, put on your John Nada sunglasses before the jump or...submit to the advertising.

Everybody Has A Plan
You'll need your reading glasses for this movie cause you'll be seeing double... plus you have to read it, because it's in a foreign language.

Flight Of The Butterflies In 3D
Follow Monarch Butterflies through their incredible migration. Looks pretty.

The Girl
Full Length trailer for the HBO Hitchcock Biopic.

A Late Quartet
Do your best not to fall asleep.

Everyone wants to see a Spielberg Day-Lewis team up. Do we like Lincoln's voice? I don't think so, but who are we to tell Day-Lewis what's good and what's bad. He's one of those lifetime pass sort of actors. we could catch the guy beating puppies and we'd be like... well... he made My Left Foot and There Will Be Blood.

A creepy kid movie I can get behind. This one is presented by Guillermo Del Toro and stars Jessica Chastain.

The Oranges
The mild Red-Band version. It reminds me of Blame It On Rio (1984).

This looks interesting. I'll give it a watch. People trying to sober up. I can dig that.

Stand Up Guys
The relationships between criminals can be heartfelt.

Texas Chainsaw 3D
So this has nothing to do with the one with Jessica Biel in it? This is a sequel to the 1974 flick? Am I understanding that right? Regardless, it's in 3D.

Wreck-It Ralph
Another new theatrical trailer. I just think this is going to be great!!!