The Trailer Park: About Cherry, American Mary, Chasing Mavericks, Cloud Atlas, Jack And Diane, Life Of Pi, Mental, Middle Of Nowhere, Paranormal Activity 4, Silent Hill Revelation 3D, Skyfall, Taken 2, Werewolf: The Beast Among Us

Welcome to The Trailer Park! - A weekly column rounding up new and newish trailers lurking around the internet.

As always, put on your John Nada sunglasses before the jump or...submit to the advertising. 

About Cherry
Scripted by a former porn star, so it must be accurate.

American Mary
Stylized torture porn.

Chasing Mavericks
Doesn't this feel like a 90's movie?

Cloud Atlas
The ambition is amazing! I can't wait to see Tom Hanks in such unique roles. It's about time he did a sci-fi fantasy romance historical epic! The first video is an introduction featuring the directors of the film (knowing the Wachowski Siblings to usually steer clear of any publicity makes this an interesting introduction. They look so comfortable and normal int he clip, I always expected them to be all awkward and Andy Warhol like.). The second video is the actual trailer.

Jack And Diane
I wonder if Twilight is responsible for this... Using elements of horror to tell love stories. If anything though, this looks like it would serve as a nice double feature with Let The Right One In/Let Me In.

Life Of Pi
This looks pretty.

This actually looks pretty funny. I'd be glad to check it out.

Middle Of Nowhere
Nice subtle little drama here.

Paranormal Activity 4
A trailer for the trailer. From what little we do see here, it looks as if this movie will look like the previous installments. No shocker there.

Silent Hill Revelation 3D
Mostly boring until you get to the ashy looking city part. I'm not a gamer, so it's possible I just don't get it. I'm curious to know how fans of the game respond to this sequel.

Just a teaser trailer, but it still has me looking forward to seeing what Sam Mendes can bring in this franchise.

Taken 2
If Qui-Gon kills this many people in the trailer, how many will he kill in the actual movie. This trailer gets really epic near the end. Those vocals really take it to the next level!

Werewolf: The Beast Among Us
Straight to DVD/Blu-Ray.