Box Office Report: Not Yet

For those of you who might not have heard, out of respect for the victims of the Aurora, CO shootings Thursday night, studios have decided not to post any weekend totals until tomorrow. I haven't looked into the reasoning for this and how not posting totals is helping the situation (maybe just showing that money isn't of major concern right now; our thoughts need to be with the families who lost loved ones in the shooting instead of weekend millions?). If so, I can appreciate that. So anyway, no box office news today, but I have an inside source leaking to me that "The Dark Knight Rises" took the top spot this weekend. Don't tell anyone.

We'll get some numbers up tomorrow once they're made public, but much like the studios have decided to do out of respect for the victims, we should all focus more on the tragic losses the innocent people of Colorado suffered this weekend as well.

By the way, I know we never posted about it, and I'm met with mixed feelings on doing so. But if by chance you didn't hear, at the Midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" on Thursday night/Friday morning in Aurora, Colorado, a crazed gunman opened fire on the theater, killing 12 people and wounding many others. I don't want to give this man any more of my time or the attention of myself or my readers, and that's why I never posted anything. But since it is relevant to this post, I did at least want to extend the condolences from our entire site to the families of these events. Words can't describe the atrocities that unfolded, and my greatest hope is that not only will this guy get what he deserves, but regular moviegoers won't be discouraged and fearful of events like this happening again; don't let this guy's unforgivable acts get the best of any of us.

If you want to help the families who are dealing with the aftermaths of this tragedy, you can go to the iGiveFirst website and donate to various charitable organizations in the Colorado area.