Clive Barker Gives Hope For 'Nightbreed' Blu-Ray

Normally I wouldn't get excited for little tidbits of news like this because the film has been through hell and back in terms of getting this director's cut released. There was even the heartbreaking news awhile back concerning the fate of the original unused footage. Apparently with the use of some unearthed VHS work prints, new voice overs by Doug Bradley, and some editing magic, the Cabal Cut is currently being screened in select locations.

Yearning for that long fabled director's cut of Clive Barker's Nightbreed?

Clive Barker tweeted that Morgan Creek is allowing the Occupy Midian movement "to show the cut around the world and to raise money to prepare the cut for a release on Blu-Ray… This could not, would not, have happened without your voices.We have all been heard. The Morgan Creek team have my thanks and my respect. Very seldom does anyone in the movie business pay attention as they have, understanding perhaps that the message of the movie as I shot it is one that dramatizes a different ending to the age-old story of how a war between Humankind and something Other draws to a close."

Excited? 50 more minutes of film, people!