The Trailer Park: Battleship, Chernobyl Diaries, Piranha 3DD (Red Band), Snow White And The Huntsman, Sound Of My Voice, The Amazing Spider-Man (Viral)

Welcome to The Trailer Park! - A weekly column rounding up new and newish trailers lurking around the internet.

As always, put on your John Nada sunglasses before the jump or...submit to the advertising.

Rihanna being in this leaves me skeptical. However, the fact that the movie seems to be, based on the trailers, completely absent of dumb humor leads me to believe it will be much better than Transformers 2 & 3.

Chernobyl Diaries
The concept seems like such an obvious great horror idea! I'm amazed this movie hasn't been made till now. Unless it has and I just haven't seen it.

Piranha 3DD
Careful kids, this one's Red Band. Boobs.

Snow White And The Huntsman
5 Minute Trailer! The tone for this movie is just great! Totally has that LOTR feel to it. I love how serious the movie takes itself.

Sound Of My Voice
More information on this possible time travel tale.

The Amazing Spider-Man
A nice little viral video. Looks like The Daily Bugle graduated from print to television. Smart move! Too bad The Daily Planet beat you to it! Nice try buddy.